belgian law in Chinese
- 比利时法律
- "belgian" in Chinese : n. 比利时人。 adj. 比利时的;比利时人的。
- "law" in Chinese : int. 〔英俚〕天哪! 嗳呀!
- "belgian" in Chinese : n. 比利时人。 adj. 比利时的;比利时人的。
- "belgian actors" in Chinese : 比利时演员
- "belgian architects" in Chinese : 比利时建筑师
- "belgian bank" in Chinese : 华比富通银行; 华比银行
- "belgian battalion" in Chinese : 比利时营
- "belgian block" in Chinese : 比利时式砌石块
- "belgian business" in Chinese : 比利时商业
- "belgian comics" in Chinese : 比利时漫画
- "belgian dwarf" in Chinese : 比利时侏儒兔
- "belgian flax" in Chinese : 比利时亚麻
- "belgian franc" in Chinese : 比利时法郎
- "belgian france" in Chinese : 比利时法郎
- "belgian horse" in Chinese : 比利时马
- It may be easy for a dutch court to apply belgian law when dealing with the uncontested divorce of a belgian couple , but less so for a spanish court to apply polish rules , let alone iranian or indonesian , and especially not when the divorce is contested
在处理没有争议的比利时夫妻的离婚时,荷兰法庭很容易采用比利时的法律,而西班牙的法庭采用波兰的可能性就比较小,更不用说伊朗或者说印尼,尤其是当离婚案有争议时 - It may be easy for a dutch court to apply belgian law when dealing with the uncontested divorce of a belgian couple , but less so for a spanish court to apply polish rules , let alone iranian or indonesian , and especially not when the divorce is contested
Other Languages
- "belgian law" meaning in Russian: Право Бельгии
"belgian" in Chinese, "belgian franc" in Chinese, "belgian horse" in Chinese, "belgian ticking" in Chinese, "belgian battalion" in Chinese, "belgian tervuren" in Chinese, "belgian malinois" in Chinese, "belgian landrace" in Chinese, "belgian block" in Chinese, "belgian labour party" in Chinese, "belgian lace" in Chinese, "belgian laekenois" in Chinese, "belgian league" in Chinese, "belgian linen" in Chinese, "belgian looping mill" in Chinese, "belgian marble" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of belgian law in Chinese and how to say belgian law in Chinese? belgian law Chinese meaning, belgian law的中文,belgian law的中文,belgian law的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by